My Raspberry Pi 1 Bought : ₩58,000 2013/04/24
with : PiFace, BOARD, I/O EXPANSION, RASPBERRY-PI (₩48,570) At First : install raspbian. tested relay, and tested led on PiFace
As a IR Remote controller : telegram-bot-try2, 2019 May IoT project
As a Thermal sensor : finally just read DHT11 temperature/humidity and send it to the server.
#!/bin/bash export API_URL=https://public-api.
Story I wanted to implement automatic LED light, when I approach kitchen.
Prepare ESP8266 compatible board. (I use ESP01 board this time) WS2812B LED Strip (5v addressable LED) HC-SR501 PIR Sensor (body detection sensor) Wiring WS2812B
vcc : to USB 5v positive pin gnd : to USB ground pin data : to GPIO1 of ESP01 HC-SR501
ESPHOME + Relay + FAN ESP8266 PCB ESPHOME esphome:name:sixesp8266:board:d1_mini# Enable logginglogger:# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:password:""ota:password:""wifi:ssid:!secret wifi_ssidpassword:!secret wifi_password# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection failsap:ssid:!secret wifi_fb_ssidpassword:!secret wifi_fb_passwordcaptive_portal:# Example configuration entryswitch:- platform:gpiopin:GPIO4name:"Switch2"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO5name:"Switch3"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO12name:"Switch4"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO13name:"Switch5"inverted:true- platform:gpiopin:GPIO14name:"Switch6"inverted:trueHome Assistant automation Turn on when RPi4’s temperature is above 58 alias:rpi4-coolingdescription:""trigger:- platform:numeric_stateentity_id:sensor.rpi4_temperatureabove:58condition:[]action:- type:turn_ondevice_id:98f3c834a50732c3b8981d0d5925158aentity_id:186a943f4f7f486e95ce2bb1c6751a7fdomain:switchmode:single Turn off when RPi4’s temperature is below 50 alias:rpi4-cooling-stopdescription:""trigger:- platform:numeric_stateentity_id:sensor.
Bought Pico PC I bought Pico PC via indiegogo fundraising several months ago.Oct 2022 - Bought Pico PC
Long-waited Pico PC is just arrived today
First impression Booting the box. Next. the boring win10 boot sequence starts.. (before installing ubuntu, let’s see what is win10, what it looks like)
(yeah, it is windows 10. I don’t need windows 10.
Showing User’s application in Show all applications On ubuntu, when you press Super key twice or press Super+A, you see applications installed on host. But, not all applications are installed via dpkg or snap. for example, Postman and Bitwarden doesn’t provide installers instead they provides something like App Image.
I place such programs in ~/Applications. and I want to run this kind of program conviniently using Super key like Spotlight search in Mac.
Dec 2022 - Deploying Mobile App with Fastlane
Dec 2022 - Reading Pro Go
Nov 2022 - Started with Azure cloud
Sep, Oct, Nov 2022 - Backend, Frontend experience
Babel-node, React, TypeScript Oct 2022 - Bought Pico PC Sep 2022 - Migrate mail from EC2 to Google Workspaces
was : postfix + dovecot + sieve + horde, ejabberd Aug 2022 - Migrate zabbix-server from EC2 to RPi4 (zabbix-server was running on AWS EC2 t3.
Register mDNS records to AWS Route53 In local network, I can use mDNS names like DESKTOP-RHM4944.local, but I cannot use mDNS name over OpenVPN. I uses openvpn to access office network, and I want to be able to find out client IP of certain PC. and the PC uses DHCP to obtain dynamic IP.
I have AWS environment, so I can use Route32 to resolve local hostname.
GnuPG 사용하기 export 내보내기
# -a : output file will be encoded in `base64` # --export : export all public keys gpg -a --export >mypubkeys.asc # -a : output file will be encoded in `base64` # --export-secret-keys : export secret keys gpg -a --export-secret-keys >myprivatekeys.asc # --export-owntrust : 모르겠다. gpg --export-ownertrust >otrust.txt import 가져오기
# --import : import public keys or private keys gpg --import myprivatekeys.