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Deokgon Kim

2024 Nov Cloud Project

  • What I first wanted : I want to use Telegram and WhatsApp as order notification channel

E Ink display tested

E Ink display and Driver

Connect display and driver

First of all, I tried to search the reference with despi c097 esp8266 to see the cabling between esp8266 and the driver board.

despi c097 esp8266 google search result

Ahhh… there is no reference.

What should I do? I visit, the product page but the page only provides technical specification and schematics. I just want to run a MicroPython code to display. (I found, after a successful result, this is not that kind of simple, like turning on the led)

Bought 3D Printer

I just bought 3d printer from aliexpress





Tools and screws

Inserted filament Inerted filament

Bootstrap and initializing

LCD Display indicating printing has started The very bottom of the sculpture Bottom is printed About half complted Completed

Completed sculpture

  • A ‘dgkim’ signed container (tested general overwrapping model) dgkim signed container

Tested Dynatrace

Behind story

I have been using APM since 2006. the first was Jennifer (for java). and Scouter (similar to jennifer x-view)

And the year 2020, I meet elastic apm (half setup). I finished the setup from Python django monitoring, to Vue RUM(with sourcemap).

In the year 2023, I tried Sentry for the first time. It seems new and is specialized for error tracking. I have set up for NestJS(backend), React(web frontend) and ReactNative. It was not that bad with error tracking.