Raspberry Pi 1
My Raspberry Pi 1
Bought : ₩58,000 2013/04/24
- with : PiFace, BOARD, I/O EXPANSION, RASPBERRY-PI (₩48,570)
At First : install raspbian. tested relay, and tested led on PiFace
As a IR Remote controller : telegram-bot-try2, 2019 May IoT project
As a Thermal sensor : finally just read DHT11 temperature/humidity and send it to the server.
#!/bin/bash export API_URL=https://public-api.dgkim.net export API_KEY=---- export DHT11=/home/pi/git/rpi_sensor/src/test_dht11 export HUMI_TEMP=$($DHT11 | tail -1) HUMI=$(echo $HUMI_TEMP | tr "," "\n" | head -1) TEMP=$(echo $HUMI_TEMP | tr "," "\n" | tail -1) TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z") echo "HUMI $HUMI" echo "TEMP $TEMP" curl -X POST "$API_URL/v1/temperatures/" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "X-API-KEY: $API_KEY" \ -d" { \"temperature\": $TEMP } "
Today : Turn it off.. and remove SD Card from it. Please Rest in Peace my raspberry pi.
ps. currently My Raspberry Pi3 is running as home assistant server, My Raspberry Pi4 is running as home server and youtube machine.