Tested Dynatrace
Behind story
I have been using APM since 2006. the first was Jennifer (for java). and Scouter (similar to jennifer x-view)
And the year 2020, I meet elastic apm (half setup). I finished the setup from Python django monitoring, to Vue RUM(with sourcemap).
In the year 2023, I tried Sentry for the first time. It seems new and is specialized for error tracking. I have set up for NestJS
(backend), React
(web frontend) and ReactNative
. It was not that bad with error tracking.
But I found sentry is lacking in two aspects. (sorry sentry)
- Not all error is traced. (It’s pricing method is based on error count)
- (this is same pain point too.) Not all transaction is traced.
What I found useful in Sentry
- It provides
session replay
: some glimpse of what user did on web page. - The errors can be marked(either resolved or assign to some one) or deleted.
Let’s try new APMs
Searched trending APMs. I found Dynatrace
, Data Dog
, New Relic
, …
I have searched installation method and asked ex-colleagues what they are using. some says they uses data dog.
I’ve experienced data dog, and I think it can be pricy for very beginning startups.
Dynatrace is advertising with Award(?) winning(?)
. and it is automaticaly traced compared to New Relic
(asked OpenAI or gemini)
I have installed ElasticAPM
and Dynatrace
along with Sentry
Try Dynatrace
Dynatrace installation is basically installing an Agent
binary on Server
I’ve tried installing on EC2
that runs Docker compose
and two container and Nginx
Than it shows some server matrics
and the traces as access log
Backend part
And I need to install on a container image that will be deployed on AWS Fargate
There is a way to accomplish this using Dockerfile
command like follows.
# https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/setup-and-configuration/setup-on-container-platforms/docker/set-up-oneagent-on-containers-for-application-only-monitoring
# You need to `docker login` on your host or CI/CD environment
COPY --from=abc00000.live.dynatrace.com/linux/oneagent-codemodules:nodejs / /
ENV LD_PRELOAD /opt/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/lib64/liboneagentproc.so
So, this means unlike Sentry
and ElasticAPM
it will hook binaries not the native language that I am working with like JavaScript
or Python
Frontend part
And I will deploy React
web application on AWS CloudFront
, so I can’t install Agent on web tier too.
There is also a way to install RUM
agent on web source code.
<!-- dynatrace tracing -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://js-cdn.dynatrace.com/jstag/123456789ee/bf12345yst/12f34567d890a123_complete.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
And can capture my errors to APM using following code.
// dynatrace error reporting
if ('dtrum' in window) {
const dtrum = (window as any).dtrum;
Tracing user
// dynatrace set user
if ('dtrum' in window) {
const dtrum = (window as any).dtrum;
- Dynatrace is promising observabilities, but not in a way that I want.
- Hard to find Errors/Exceptions (or just I didn’t found a way that shows what I want)
- It shows tracing from application tier to infrastructure layer. but What I am now care about is almost all about application tier.
- It is hard to use it to custom tracing or error tracking.
- it is basically not providing a sdk, It seems provides but not in a way that I am familiar with or used to